Ask a hundred people what a great life looks like and you will probably get a hundred different answers. But certain answers will virtually make everyones list. Most people would say, for example, that a great life includes something worth living for, perhaps even something worth dying for. A portion of a great life would be devoted to something bigger, greater, grander than your self. Something that inspires you, energizes you. Something that pushes you forward. Something that responds to your unique talent or touch and ultimately makes a difference in the world around you. You may ask, "so what does a great life really look like and how can I live a great life"? We look back in history and when we think of people who lived great lives we think of people like Martin Luther King jr., John F. Kennedy, Amelia Earhart, Billy Graham, Rosa Parks, or Mother Theresa. All of these people have something in common. They did not live their lives standing still. They live in forward MOTION. They were inspired by something and they allowed that inspiration to drive them to do something greater then themselves. They believed. In their causes, in their passions, in others, in the world around them but most importantly they believed in themselves. They served others in the world around them. Martin Luther King Jr. once said that everybody can be great because everybody can serve. He said that you do not have to have a college degree to serve, you do not have to make your subject and verb agree to serve, you do not have to know about Plato and Aristotle to serve. You only need a heart full of grace and a soul generated by love and you can be that servant. That is a new definition of GREATNESS.
Be inspired and inspire others. Believe in the world around you and believe in yourself. Serve every chance you get and do all of these things in LOVE.
Love what you are doing. Love those around you because LOVE is the GREATEST gift we have been given. Don't be afraid to give it away.
Inspire. Believe. Serve. & LOVE
Someone once told me that the two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you figure out why you were born. When you figure out why you were born choose to live for your purpose and for nothing else. Make your purpose GREAT.
Live your life in a forward motion. These things will bring more meaning to your life. A great life would naturally bring more meaning, purpose, love, laughter, wonder, and adventure to your days and at the end of your journey you will look back on a life of significance rather than a life of regret. Knowing in your heart that YOU left the world a better place then you found it. Knowing that you got something wonderful out of it and in return gave something WONDERFUL back. A great life is not something you experience, it is something you CREATE.